Woensdag 28 Mei 2014

Attention please...

*SIGH* Attention whores, don't you just hate them?

All of us knows at least two of them, very nice and oh so charming but just shut the f*** up already!! Social media has made these people a thousand times worse, a billion times more annoying and a trillion times too up in my face. I'm gonna break it down for those who don't know any (you probably are that person):

1. The "omg it's like so annoying how everybody just likes me on *insert social media site* I just wish everyone would leave me alone" -GET OVER YOURSELF!
2. The "please stop inboxing me you freaks, I don't even know you!" updates. - Uhhhh WHY did you accept them if you don't know them???
3. The "here's my bbm pin and watsapp nr"- Seriously sweetheart, if people wanted to add you they would've done so the first hundred times you posted it!
4. The "My parents are such assholes for not buying me the newest of EVERYTHING!" - seriously, just kill yourself.
5. The "I hate my life so much, everything is so horrible and nobody even loves me *comment to make me feel better*" - The only constant in that was YOU!!
6. The "Stop judging everyone, we are all humans and have flaws and are beautiful in our own imperfect perfection" Oh really? says you who judges everything and everyone by justifying yourself with BS explanations. (I hate these the most)
7. The "I'm so ugly" posts 700000000 selfies and half naked pics.

The list goes on but I think I've made my point. Can I really be the only one that have invisible arguments with these people whenever reading their annoying updates on FB? The solution: UNFRIEND that mofo!

But, alas, attention whores are like cockroaches: kill one and a million more follows suit. It's an unrelenting vicious cycle of seeking attention and not being satisfied with the little bit you do get.

There has to be some kind of psychological reason behind all of this, the need to be loved or hated by absolutely everyone, even the people you don't know. To be wanted, to mean something. This is all what the human psyche is about but some people need it in overdose and in a world where it's all or nothing these's individuals who crave acceptance from each and every person they come across. And this is who I call attention whores, they will sell their body and soul to get someone's approval, no matter who that person is or in what capacity it is received.

They taunt us day after day, dragging us down their rabbit hole and forcing us to become part of their sick game. Making us believe that the attention we're getting on a daily basis is not enough. We need to up our game and be more relentless towards these creatures or stand the risk of becoming one.

May the day never come where I feel the need to become and Attention Whore!!

Maandag 26 Mei 2014

4 day weekends

Ah the popular 4 day weekends, those weekends everyone looks forward to. Holidays get planned, families get extra visits and the birds and bees are happy to be alive! The world is such a joyful place with a 4 day weekend...

Except of course if you're working in the restaurant business, the 4 day weekends means extra hours, harder work and little to no sleep! THIS is the weekends I thrive on, those that gets the heart beating and weakens you at the knees (most certainly not because of feelings of love). No public holidays to increase your pay BTW, oh no just filling in for your colleague, working 18 hours extra on top of the 88 hours you were gonna work anyways before getting one night to recover before running this crazy cycle again...

How do I do it? I put on my big girl panties, make up my face and convince myself that I am still young and even though my eyes look like I've just smoked a bag of weed, I AM NOT TIRED!!

NOT!!!! TIRED!!!! NOT!!!! TIRED!!!! NO!!!! TIIIIRED!! N!!! T-I-R-E-D!!

As hard as it is, I still do it day after day, week after week and thank my stars that I have a job that I love which pays for my off weekends and a place I get to see for about 3 hours a day. The job that will hopefully turn into a career and take me to places I've only dreamed about! This is why I do it! To eat great food EVERY day, meet new and exciting people every day, seeing the joy on a customers face when they once again take a bite of the perfect steak, telling a kid that his picture is the best I've ever seen and getting the occasional pat on the back for doing what I do best.

Fun times right? Not always, doing a 9am till 1am shift 3 days in a row with another 8 hour shift to go gets a little bit harder when you have a sprained ankle, a wine festival with 10 extra tables and a group of waiters not nearly as experienced as they should be and a hour long list about what can and will go wrong then pasting on the permanent fake smile! "No sir, of course I take no offence in the way your yelling at me because you and your wife have been fighting since you got here and SHE got you order wrong, please let me make it all better by standing on my head while taming a wild lion and giving your little brat, I mean adorable child, yet another milkshake that he can spill everywhere." "No, no, it really is such a pleasure and don't even worry about my self esteem... And please keep your change, it seems you need it more than I do!" Don't you just love your inside voice?

Now it's Monday, the phone won't stop ringing, the "But why are you tired, it was just weekend." questions come in non-stop and I still need to count the stock and finish the new menu items...

Maybe being a stripper isn't that bad of an idea after all....

Donderdag 22 Mei 2014


Mornings... Mornings are Satan's way of getting back at us for hating him! Why anyone would want to get up at 6am to do things is beyond me! 

The only reason you will ever find me awake at 5 or 6 in the morning is when I haven't been to sleep yet, and this is where my line of work comes in perfectly...

I am a manager in a restaurant and only have to be at work at 9am, which probably seems late to everyone else but I feel a day only starts at 12pm! Some people, however, does not care that I get to sleep late and insists on calling me before even the Early Bird has woken to catch any worms. NO, I do not wish to insure my life with your scamming company,NO I do not need to know my horoscope before I've even known what day it is and NO I do not speak all 11 official languages so I highly doubt your looking for me...

Pet peeve numero uno: Calling or messaging me awake or just waking me up for no good reason..

 Good reasons to wake me up: 
1. Someone close to me has died. (Has happened way too much)
2. The house I'm sleeping in is burning down. (I'll care bout your house burning as soon as I wake up,by myself)
3. Someone is trying to break into the house I'm sleeping in. (Still don't particularly careabout yours)
Nope that's it, only 3 reasons to wake me up,and telling me how your day is going isn't one of them. If you are considering to call me for any other reason I hope you accepted some life insurance from the annoying scammer or at least have a good funeral plan! (I like nice food at funerals you  know).

But now that I am up and the sun is shining I am going to make the best of it and make some peoples lives better by serving the best damn food in this town!!


PS: Just cause I'm up,doesn't mean I'm awake! (This is why I don't drive)

Woensdag 21 Mei 2014

It's me...

Human beings, the only species that can't stop talking about growing up, moving out and living it up in the big fabulous world,just to turn around and bitch about the responsibilities,the challenges and not getting ahead fast enough... Slow down! Take a break,breath and appreciate all the hustle and bustle you so looked forward to while eating the sarmies your mom packed you in pre-school.

Hah! Easier said than done in a world where food, cars, music and trends are moving at the speed of light, not stopping for anything or anyone, while the Earth,this gorgeous planet is deteriorating without ever being seen. Lovely landscaped lawns and pedicured beaches, huts in the forest to get closer to your "inner earth child" and scampering up Mountains to get a glimpse of breathtaking beauty... This is luxury, and we're working our asses off to get to enjoy it!

Hi, I'm Nasha-Leigh Brouwer and this is my first blog,where I will share my days, my sorrows, my funnies and my pet peeves. No bullshit and no sugar coating! Food,wine and good people is what I'm all about and seeing the beauty of things you might miss...

I talk to myself A LOT!! I'm the best conversation I get some days, and I will share all my crazy thoughtswith you! Right now I'm having a little fight with myself,never should have eaten the calamari deep fried and I should have had water instead of ice tea...boohoo little angle but the devil of all things fatty will always win! And who's to say I should give up glorious food for a tighter stomach? Who gives a shit anyways,it's my life and if I have to go out I'll probably go with a glass of wine in the one hand and a piece of steak in the other...mmm steak...

Well, duty calls..