Sondag 28 September 2014

The war inside...

As I'm looking at my already half eaten plate of chicken wings with deep-fried potatoes, the little war in my head starts up again and I decide to put it on "paper" and share with you what it means to be lost in the world of being obsessed with your weight and the way you look...

As many people who knows me know, I DO NOT make my dislike for overweight people a secret. It's unhealthy, it's ugly and too many people blame it on things that need not be a catalyst to eat too much junk food and exercise being nowhere near their prospective to-do list. I'm not judgmental as most overweight people I've come across think I am. I am in no way making fun of them and it has never made sense to me why it would hurt your feelings telling you what you look like.. Telling me I've got buckle knees, small boobs and (this is the worst) "only a dog eats bones" is in no way nice to hear but I don't cry about it and I most certainly don't cut my wrists about it! Wanna know why? Because I know it's true, I know being too skinny isn't pretty, I know that people's opinions shouldn't matter so I let it roll over me like water over a duck's back.

YES, I do know I should keep quiet, but if I know you and care for you I want you to be in my life for as long as possible, and adding fat around your heart isn't going to help with this. I KNOW I'm being mean, but being nice didn't work so this is probably my last resort.

But enough about you, let's get back to me...

I come from a family (my dad's side) who have, in my opinion, great genes. We are skinny, good looking (besides our huge noses), smart and talented. (I have made peace with my flaws and accept all the great gifts God has given me, before I get stoned for being vain). But then there's my mother's side who's mostly overweight, not too bright, a bit common and mostly no manners. (Not all of them of course, but most). So this places me in a very awkward see-saw of not gaining weight and gaining weight. I have never been fat!! I have been tall and skinny my entire life, being 1.79 m and weighing in at 55 kg when I was 18, I was envied by many and hated by the rest. I was a very active child and teenager and started working when I was 15. I didn't go out of my way to exercise and ate anything and everything I wanted too. While my friends were dieting for the matric farewell to fit into dresses measured 4 months prior, I had to somehow gain the weight I had somehow lost. Life was great right?? Skinny people never gets criticized!! Right? WRONG!! Fat people does NOT get half the criticism we do, you gain 2 kg, no problem, but I gain 2 kg and parties are thrown cause "the bitch is finally getting what she deserves" and suddenly my fat ass is all the rage.

Since school I've gained about 11 kg's and I've been out of school for almost 5 years now. When people look at me and I tell them this little fun fact they can't believe it because surely I must've looked anorexic. But no I didn't I looked like a normal skinny person, I do agree that I look better with a little more curves. Working in a restaurant, though, is very bad for your thighs, ass, love handles and your talking belly fat. I started to go to the gym so that I won't look like my mother and her family...

I am very health conscious and I take my appearance seriously. You won't find me in town with pajamas and dirty hair. When I'm out and about chances are I've done my makeup and straightened my hair. I have atleast 8 mirror checks before leaving the house and if I'm not 100% happy, I change. And I don't do this because I want or need anyone's approval, I do it cause if I don't feel good about the way I look, you do not want to be near me. I do it because I know how I look at people that just doesn't give a damn. I do it because I don't want to be THAT girl who crawls out of bed and goes somewhere and then judge everyone who decided to up their game that day because you are jealous and a slob.

I have used very unhealthy ways to lose weight and I'm not proud to say this but it still made me feel good. I loved being able not to eat for days and seeing my bones stick out. Then I read a book about anorexia and a lot of things fell into place for me. Anorexia isn't as easy to get rid of as being fat. It's a state of being. And you don't have to be skin and bones to have the disease. It's more about the thoughts you have when looking at yourself, when eating, when trying on new clothes, when every day life becomes disrupted because you hate the way your weight makes you feel. You can weigh 90 kg and still have an anorexic mindset. For the last 8 months I've been stopping these thoughts deliberately and trying to focus om being healthy and fit instead of skinny. I still take tremendous care to not gain any weight and since I forced myself to be healthy I am happier, have more energy and I accept myself more than when I lost 7 kg in a month and a half cause my mother told me I've gotten curves. (In my head she said I almost look like her from all the weight I gained) See your words hurt us and as I don't do anything moderately I go to extreme lengths to make myself feel "better".

I happen to love salads and I don't really like oily foods anymore so it's relatively easy for me to keep my weight in check, but I get my off days where wearing something I looked great in last week just doesn't seem to look right will drive me to tears or put me in a horrible mood. So you grabbing at my love handles (which are not that big) don't feel surprised when I stab you in the neck with the first object I can find. 

Guys and girls, I know a lot of you can relate, I know it's a tough world out there. I know that living with this constant war inside yourself when putting anything in your mouth can drive you insane and leave you with a lot of resentment for yourself. But stop hurting your body because your mind is unstable. Be honest with yourself and work on the "inner-you". Fix the problem from the inside out.

It's not easy being you when you hate yourself and in my little time on earth I had to learn this the hard way and have scars to prove it.

Stay gorgeous and positive!

Woensdag 17 September 2014

Gym nightmares

I used to HATE people talking about going to the gym, well I hated anyone who brought up exercise in any form. Because I am lazy! I don't want to hear about you amazing workout because I probably had an amazing cocktail in front of me with a double burger, spicy wings and a large portion of chips. 


I love food more than I love life!! And then something amazing happened.. I fell in love with healthy food.. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, zucchini, you name it, I loved it and obviously still do. I'll have a burger any day of the week, as long as the patty is freshly made with lean mince, fresh toppings and chips fried in no trans-fat oils. It's healthier, it's tastier and 70% of the time it's bigger!

 Working my ridiculous hours, a balanced diet is a MUST, and let's face it, greasy food takes the will to be productive like the Taxman takes our hard earned money! But, alas, this new habit wasn't enough, I had to get a hobby to get my mind off the stress of having to deal with irresponsible, idiotic staff and egotistical asshole customers day in and day out. So my boss suggested I go to the gym, I do hope it's not because of the "African ass" (as my one waiter likes to point out) that started to take over my jeans... :/ Nevertheless I joined the local gym and slowly (oh so very slowly) started liking it. Then I started LOVING it! My whole week was planned around my gym time and if I couldn't go for more than 4 days you had a VERY grumpy manager that could scare the living hell out of a lion. (Seriously)Now I buy more gym clothes than anything else in my closet and Friday night drinking was soon forgotten cause I had to get up on a Saturday to do 2 hours of intense cardio and weight training.

But living in a town full of students that are always following the latest trend, which in this case is to go to the gym, means that the gym is often over crowded and you seem to wait forever to get a turn on any of the machines...(Well except the ones made to work your legs, hehe) Now I have NO problem waiting for equipment when the person/s using them are actually training. But the kids that are in the gym to... We'll get to that.

My pet peeves in the gym (yes I actually will go home without working out because of these things):
1. There is about a million people in the gym, everyone is working on their chest, back, shoulders and abs (note how no-one is doing legs) which means most of the equipment is preoccupied. And here you have Mr. I'm-still-trying-to-go-heavy-but-I'm-not-actually-strong-enough and he wants to do a hundred sets of 2, resting for 5min every time! These one's makes me want to hurl the whole machine at them! (Unfortunately I'm not strong enough (see I can realize this)) STOP WASTING MY TIME and go lift some of the 2kg dumbbells, dumbass!

2. The one's who come to look at themselves rather than to actually work out. Get your tiny legs to the leg press and leave your pathetic arms alone! Assface

3. The bouncing bunnies (especially dislike those) the girls that's hopping around in the weight section WITHOUT a jumping rope and trying oh so hard to get Mr. I'm-too-sexy-to-do-legs' attention. Hop along little bunny before someone gets hurt, and by someone I mean YOU!

4. If you sweat more than an obese guy in the KFC line at mid-summer, WIPE DOWN THE FREAKIN EQUIPMENT! Goodness how is this NOT common sense??

5. The socializing group. Ok, great you have a whole team to workout with, but please workout all the other muscles besides your tongue! I do NOT want to hear about what who the F*%^$ ever Sandy is did and I especially don't want to hear it while waiting for a spot to do some real exercises.

6. The changing rooms are only that big, would you mind putting one of your 4 gigantic bags on the floor so that we (the rest of the paying clientele) can also use the benches to change or fill water or whatever the hell we want... Selfish much!

7. Don't throw the weights around you moron! If you can't put it down properly you might want to consider using a lighter one.

8. Please wear clothes that fit!! I do NOT need to see your g-string that can barely contain your love-handles THROUGH black tights that was meant for the weight you're still aspiring to be!!! Buying bigger has no shame, walking around like a tied up marshmallow is!

9. Don't come and have conversations with me!! I'm not being rude when I ONLY give you a brief "Hello" or "Goodbye" but I'm trying to stay focused... some of those legs and arms can be real distracting you know ;)

And finally nr 10!
DON'T GIVE OTHER PEOPLE NASTY LOOKS!! The guys are getting worse than the girl! You know what bouncing bunny, that big girl you're laughing at is atleast starting to solve her problem! She might even never be as skinny as you but at least she's not a shallow little s*&% who can't keep her gym tights on long enough to get the guys name! YOU make me sick and one day I am going to stand up for that big girl that I don't even know and then I do hope you can think and run as fast as you can get a guy in your pants.

PHEEWWWW that feels better.

Thanks for another fine ranting session!

See you soon my fellow word lovers...