Donderdag 22 Mei 2014


Mornings... Mornings are Satan's way of getting back at us for hating him! Why anyone would want to get up at 6am to do things is beyond me! 

The only reason you will ever find me awake at 5 or 6 in the morning is when I haven't been to sleep yet, and this is where my line of work comes in perfectly...

I am a manager in a restaurant and only have to be at work at 9am, which probably seems late to everyone else but I feel a day only starts at 12pm! Some people, however, does not care that I get to sleep late and insists on calling me before even the Early Bird has woken to catch any worms. NO, I do not wish to insure my life with your scamming company,NO I do not need to know my horoscope before I've even known what day it is and NO I do not speak all 11 official languages so I highly doubt your looking for me...

Pet peeve numero uno: Calling or messaging me awake or just waking me up for no good reason..

 Good reasons to wake me up: 
1. Someone close to me has died. (Has happened way too much)
2. The house I'm sleeping in is burning down. (I'll care bout your house burning as soon as I wake up,by myself)
3. Someone is trying to break into the house I'm sleeping in. (Still don't particularly careabout yours)
Nope that's it, only 3 reasons to wake me up,and telling me how your day is going isn't one of them. If you are considering to call me for any other reason I hope you accepted some life insurance from the annoying scammer or at least have a good funeral plan! (I like nice food at funerals you  know).

But now that I am up and the sun is shining I am going to make the best of it and make some peoples lives better by serving the best damn food in this town!!


PS: Just cause I'm up,doesn't mean I'm awake! (This is why I don't drive)

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