1. The "omg it's like so annoying how everybody just likes me on *insert social media site* I just wish everyone would leave me alone" -GET OVER YOURSELF!
2. The "please stop inboxing me you freaks, I don't even know you!" updates. - Uhhhh WHY did you accept them if you don't know them???
3. The "here's my bbm pin and watsapp nr"- Seriously sweetheart, if people wanted to add you they would've done so the first hundred times you posted it!
4. The "My parents are such assholes for not buying me the newest of EVERYTHING!" - seriously, just kill yourself.
5. The "I hate my life so much, everything is so horrible and nobody even loves me *comment to make me feel better*" - The only constant in that was YOU!!
6. The "Stop judging everyone, we are all humans and have flaws and are beautiful in our own imperfect perfection" Oh really? says you who judges everything and everyone by justifying yourself with BS explanations. (I hate these the most)
7. The "I'm so ugly" posts 700000000 selfies and half naked pics.
The list goes on but I think I've made my point. Can I really be the only one that have invisible arguments with these people whenever reading their annoying updates on FB? The solution: UNFRIEND that mofo!
But, alas, attention whores are like cockroaches: kill one and a million more follows suit. It's an unrelenting vicious cycle of seeking attention and not being satisfied with the little bit you do get.
There has to be some kind of psychological reason behind all of this, the need to be loved or hated by absolutely everyone, even the people you don't know. To be wanted, to mean something. This is all what the human psyche is about but some people need it in overdose and in a world where it's all or nothing these's individuals who crave acceptance from each and every person they come across. And this is who I call attention whores, they will sell their body and soul to get someone's approval, no matter who that person is or in what capacity it is received.
They taunt us day after day, dragging us down their rabbit hole and forcing us to become part of their sick game. Making us believe that the attention we're getting on a daily basis is not enough. We need to up our game and be more relentless towards these creatures or stand the risk of becoming one.
May the day never come where I feel the need to become and Attention Whore!!